Type 8055
The complete full bore magflowmeter Type 8054/8055, which consists of a magnetic sensor fitting Type S054 or S055 connected to an electronics Type SE56 (blind in compact version or with display in compact or remote version), is designed for applications with liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 μS/cm. Combined with a valve as the actuating element, the complete full bore magflowmeter Type 8054/8055 can control high-precision dosing operations and flow measurements in potable water treatment and waste water treatment.
⊙ Combination of magflowsensor fitting S054 or S055 and electronics SE56
⊙ Continuous measurement or Batch Control
⊙ Version without (S054) or with (S055) flanges
⊙ For water treatment and general purpose applications
For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.